Photo creative
I feel a certain photo creativity growing after playing with various iPhone apps, where it is possible to add textures and colours. I like the way the vintage feel of damaged film can be replicated and colours faded or brightened. It reminds greatly of the old Polaroids and I love the square format which I cannot produce with my work cameras. Every photo comes out differently and I can never remember what I did with each but doesn’t it then become a little piece of individual ‘art’?
To walk along the beach with just my iPhone, unencumbered by the usual heavy gear and tripod I use for work is a real liberation. In work mode I am very disciplined and the possibilities of freehand work with a fixed focal length is so different for me but I do not feel constrained by it. It feels refreshing.
The images that ensue in a few spare moments with an app are beginning to lead to other ideas which may eventually find their way into my normal work.
So, work and play combined.....Wonderful!